With great regret, zamus (Center for Early Music Cologne) announces that its 10th Cologne Festival for Early Music (March 21 to March 29, 2020) is canceled.

This decision follows from a corresponding recommendation by the Federal Government and the specified risk analysis by the city of Cologne and the federal state in order to combat the spread of the corona virus in the city and region.

The managing director of zamus, Mélanie Froehly, the artistic director of the festival Ira Givol and the entire zamus team have tried until the end, despite various restrictions, to be able to carry out the festival as planned and at the same time to observe the protective measures specified in Germany for the public and the artists. We can no longer r guarantee this protection. The international  artists, ensembles and guests who arrive brings with it the risk of accelerating the spread of the virus. In addition, some artists are no longer allowed to enter Germany or exittheir country.

In addition, we have to cancel or postpone other zamus events until at least the end of April.

This applies in particular to the concert planned for April 7 with VALER SABADUS, which will be rescheduled on September 10, 2020!

Tickets that have already been purchased will be fully reimbursed via the respective advance sales point of kö

However, we ask our audience for support and refrain from reimbursing their already paid tickets for our events. With this gesture of solidarity, the organizers can at least pay for long-booked trips and cancellation fees for affected artists.


The board of the KGAM e.V.